
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

"Why start a blog?"

"Why start a blog?", I asked my husband. I'm not an expert on anything, nor do I think anything that happens in my everyday life is worth sharing with people outside my personal circle. We already have Facebook and Twitter to share/tweet things that we think are worth sharing with people. Starting another social "network" seemed repetitive and arduous. Hubby says that blogging isn't necessarily about having something to say that's supposed to be mind-blowing or innovative, it's about self expression and sharing your life and insights with others. He says to think of blogging as snapshots of our everyday life-- a place for people we care about to "check-in" with us once in a while without having to post a ridiculously long post on Facebook or the all annoying and impersonal "poke" feature.
Giving some thought to this whole blogging thing, I realize that after nearly 13 years together, all we have to document our life together are just random pictures here and there and our memory of those times. Nothing written down or recorded to show a comprehensive picture of all the events that has taken place since we met so many years ago. Facebook, as great as it is to keep in touch with friends we've made over the years, just doesn't document the important events or even just the small everyday moments we experience. So it seems, that blogging then would become our electronic scrapbook sort of speak-- pages of experiences big and small, significant or insignificant, of things that matter to us and what makes us who we are as a couple and as individuals. Blogging becomes a canvas for us in our journey together through life's many twists and turns. So here it is, page one of our digital scrapbook. 

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